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Can Making Your Bed Every
Day Change Your Life?

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February 20, 2020

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Making your bed is a normal part of tidying up and keeping your home in order. But do you make your bed every day? If you’re like most of us, either you think making the bed every morning is frivolous or, like me, you were forced to make your bed as a child and resent the very thought! Either way, you don’t think making a bed is that big of a deal. But what if I told you not only is it a big deal but doing it every day can change your life?

Making a bed only takes a few minutes, but many of us avoid it like the plague. See if any of these reasons (excuses!) sound familiar:

“I’m just going to sleep in my bed again tonight.”

“I don’t have time for it.”

“No one is going to see it anyway.”

“You’re not my Mom and I don’t have to make my bed if I don’t want to!”

Excuses are plentiful, but when it comes right down to it, it’s also easy to make your bed each morning. We’re not talking about an Instagram-worthy display of taut comforters and hospital corners here. We’re talking about fluffing some pillows, tugging the sheets and comforter to the top and smoothing things out. That’s it. But this quick and easy habit makes your bedroom look neat and orderly with little effort. 

Not only will your bedroom have more “curb appeal” and give you a sense of order, but there are also some interesting benefits that come from making your bed every day. 

Why Making Your Bed Every Day is Good for You

A Day Well Started…

It might be a small win, but making your bed sets the tone for the entire day. Just ask Naval Admiral William McRaven, the commander of U.S. Special Forces. In a 2014 commencement speech at the University of Texas at Austin, Admiral McRaven shared his thoughts on how such a small accomplishment can have such a large impact. 

“If you make your bed every morning, you will have accomplished the first task of the day. It will give you a small sense of pride and it will encourage you to do another task and another and another,” he said. “By the end of the day, that one task completed will have turned into many tasks completed. Making your bed will also reinforce the fact that little things in life matter.”

Success breeds success. When you make your bed every day, you are laying the foundation for a string of accomplishments. What a great way to start your day!

Making Your Bed Every Day Puts You in “Tidy Mode”

Even the neatest, most beautifully decorated bedroom looks a little shabbier with an unmade bed. At the other end of the spectrum, a sparse, plain bedroom looks more inviting and tidy when the bed has been made. Once you get that boost of confidence from making the bed, you’ll be more inclined to move on to more tidying, decluttering and even improving your bedroom’s décor. Maybe you’ll even feel brave enough to tackle your overflowing closet or get started with your spring cleaning!

A Neat and Tidy Bedroom Lowers Your Stress and Improves Your Mood

You spend about a third of your life in your bedroom, and the appearance and atmosphere of your bedroom impacts your mood and even how well you sleep. It’s hard to feel relaxed, serene and grounded when your bedroom is a mess. 

Making your bed gives your bedroom a pulled-together look and creates a subtle but powerful sense of calm and accomplishment. That neat and tidy bed and clean bedroom tells your mind that you are in control and care about keeping your life organized. This sense of control and your decluttered surroundings combine to lower your stress and improve your mood

There’s No Better Way to End a Long Day Than Sliding Into Bed

(As long as that bed is made and the bedroom is neat and clean!) When you walk into a hotel or B&B bedroom, you typically see a well-made bed that is crisp and clean—just inviting you to slip under the covers and catch a nap. That’s how you should keep your bedroom at home. 

Research Shows Making Your Bed Every Day is Worth the Effort

According to a recent survey cited by Psychology Today, making your bed each day may be correlated with increased feelings of well-being and happiness. The survey of  68,000 people found that 59 percent of those surveyed do not make their beds, 27 percent do, and 12 percent are glad to hire someone to do it for them. Of that group, 71 percent of bed-makers reported being happy, but 62 percent of non bed-makers considered themselves unhappy. 

If you’re familiar with Marie Kondo, then you’ve heard there is a direct link between clutter and stress and how a neat and tidy home can make us feel more calm and content. It even makes you feel happier, according to Gretchen Rubin‘s book “The Happiness Project.” Research for the book found that one of the most common simple changes that lead to happiness is making our beds each morning. 

The benefits of making your bed each day also impact how well you sleep. A National Sleep Foundation survey found that people who make their beds every day are 19 percent more likely to report getting a good night’s sleep than those who don’t make their beds.

How to Make Your Bed in 5 Easy Steps

Here’s how to quickly make your bed every day, so you can enjoy all the benefits of your new found habit. 

Step 1

Clear any clutter from your bed and strip it down to just to the fitted sheet. This is a good time to brush off the sheet and find long-lost socks. 

Step 2

Next, make your way around your mattress and ensure the fitted sheet is nicely tucked in, pulling the sheet taught as you go. If you have a bed skirt, can get it lined up and even as you make your way around the bed. 

Step 3

Replace the top sheet making sure it hangs evenly off the sides and bottom of your mattress. If your sheet is printed on one side, place the sheet pattern side down. When you fold back your top sheet over your comforter or blanket, the pattern will be front and center. 

Step 4

Tuck the bottom of the top sheet under your mattress neatly and evenly or let it hang freely—your choice! Just make sure your comforter or blanket covers the exposed sheet for a more finished look. 

Step 5

Replace your blanket or bedspread, making sure it falls evenly on the sides and foot end of the bed. Fold back the top of the bedcover and your top sheet for a neat and tidy look. Smooth out any bumps or wrinkles with your hand, fluff your pillows and line them up at the top of your bed. 

That’s it! Once you start making your bed every day, you’ll inevitably get more efficient and faster, making it that much easier to keep this great habit going. For even more life changing decluttering, tidying and organization, The Maids can help you enjoy your home with a range of house cleaning services. 

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