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5 Halloween Decorating Tips for the
Scariest House on the Block

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Admit it or not, there’s something fun about seeing someone jump or let out a little scream because of a good scare. While some of us are a little more skittish than others, with some creativity and a bit of work, you can spook even the most scare-proof neighbors and friends with these great Halloween decorating tips.

Be forewarned that you may end up with a lot of Halloween candy left over because not every trick-or-treater will be able to handle the scares. Before you get down to creating your scary decorations, make sure you get your house organized, so you’ll have room to work and store your supplies.

From the holiday staples like jack-o-lanterns, cobwebs and creepy music to more creative endeavors with a little more blood and gore, the scare factor at your house can reach a new level of fear this year. Whether you go the “shocker” route or the sometimes even scarier “creepy” direction, you are only limited by your imagination and effort. Keep in mind that some of these decorations may be too scary for everyone. Use your best judgment when letting your inner monster get to work on these projects.

WARNING: Proceed to use these Halloween decorating tips at your own risk. Some DIYers have actually scared themselves while making these spooky decorations.             

“Boo!” in a Bottle

Nothing says “creepy” like a severed head in a jar. Thanks to this surprisingly realistic-looking Halloween decoration, your family and little guests will think it came right out of a mad scientist’s lab! You can put it in the refrigerator for a preliminary run to scare your own family and then you can place it strategically on the front porch or steps. There aren’t many sights more unsettling than a head without a body, are there?

You’re sure to get quite a bit of mileage out of this scary project, especially if you use your own “head” in the jar. For this horrific shocker, you’re going to have to put in some work, but the effort will be worth it when you see the frightened expressions on your terrified viewer’s faces. Just “head” over here for some detailed instructions and you’ll have one of the scariest Halloween decorations in the neighborhood in no time.

Dark Shadows

Scary movies have relied on frightening images like unknown things moving in the shadows or ominous silhouettes standing in lighted windows for about as long as there have been movies. With this project, you can turn your home into a haunted house that may scare away even the hardiest of trick-or-treaters. You’ll definitely be the talk of the neighborhood, and all you’ll need is a computer, printer, a roll of black paper and some basic craft tools like scissors.

While Halloween decorating tips like this one may seem complicated, you can pull this one off pretty easily, thanks to these instructions that include downloadable “bodies.” You don’t even need to have any drawing or design skills. The downloads include a headless woman, a zombie and the old Halloween standby, the chainsaw. This scare tactic is something the whole family can work on. Together they can enjoy watching their frightened visitors cringe in fear.


If there’s anything creepier than those terrifying kids in horror movies, it has to be dolls. Whether it’s the blank stare that seems to follow you wherever you go or the unsettling stillness as a doll quietly sits there, these seemingly innocent children’s toys can create one scary decoration. While it would be easy to place a doll here and there on your front porch, you’ll get the most scares by pulling their little heads off.

Sure, you can lay the headless doll bodies here and there, but the real horror comes from those eyes. You’ll want to get quite a few dolls. It’ll allow you to get creative and see where this project takes you. Group the doll heads together in a pile, make a wreath or some other odd creation or simply stick a few heads on battery-powered candles. If all of this sounds creepy to you, imagine what the neighbors will think.


Black plastic spiders come out by the millions for Halloween. They are familiar to anyone who has ever celebrated this spooky holiday, but that doesn’t mean they are any less creepy. Many of us would agree that even the thought of a spider can get us a little tingly and actually seeing a spider can make some of us jump or even run. Plastic or the real thing, our fear of spiders seems to be something we are born with so we can’t help but get a little creeped out.

Let’s take advantage of that natural fear and turn it up a notch with this easy to make spider egg sack. (This one even sounds scary, doesn’t it?)

Here’s what you’ll need:

  • 1 foam ball
  • White batting
  • 1 sheer white stocking
  • Plastic spiders in various sizes
  • Hot glue gun
  • Push-pins or adhesive hooks

And here’s how you make it:

  • Wrap a foam egg in white batting
  • Pull the stocking over the ball
  • Place smaller spiders inside between the batting and the stocking
  • Hot-glue larger ones on the outside
  • Hang in strategic areas using push-pins or adhesive hooks

This classic Halloween decoration requires minimal effort yet delivers a high level of fright. It’s a great project for all ages because of the easy steps and frightening fun everyone will have making these yucky-looking creations.

Scary Fun With Pumpkins

When it comes to Halloween decorating tips, you can’t skip that traditional staple, the jack-o’-lantern. There are plenty of terrific ideas for designing jack-o’-lanterns, from the goofy and funny to the terrifying and scary. Click here for a ton of patterns, carving tips and more that will have carvers of all ages creating some impressive Halloween decorations in no time. From the simple to the complex, creating your own jack-o’-lantern is always a fun project.

If you’re looking for an even easier way to create a spooky but fun jack-o’-lantern on a small scale, all you need are some little pumpkins, some plastic vampire teeth and some orange or black push-pins. These simple-to-make mini jack-o’-lanterns are a great option for younger children and provide a good dose of creepy cuteness. You don’t even need instructions for this project, just check out an example here and you’ll be on your way. No matter which of these Halloween decorating tips strikes a chord of fear in you and your family, you’re all sure to have a lot of fun making them for Halloween night. Pick a night, pick some projects, grab your supplies and gather the family for some good old scary fun. And for even more decorating tips and ideas, check out our blog section.

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