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Essential Pet Cleaning Products
for Pet Owners

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Like other family members, our pets bring us joy and companionship while making their share of messes. But unlike some of the other family members, pets can’t clean up their messes, which leaves pet owners on the hook. From tracked in mud to dirty litter boxes, bathroom accidents to throw up, pets can create stains and odors that make a home feel and smell like a pet shop.

We can’t keep our pets from getting things dirty, but we can arm ourselves with some must-have pet cleaning supplies proven to keep things fresh and clean. The Maids knows all about how to clean up after pets, so we’re uniquely qualified to help you choose the best pet cleaning products. Whether you need to clean up a stinky dog bed, get rid of pet hair, or treat pet stains on the carpet, these six pet cleaning supplies have you covered.

1. Baking Soda

Baking soda is a safe and effective household staple, and it may be one of the most powerful pet cleaning products around. It’s a natural cleaner, whitener, stain remover, and deodorizer you can use all over the house, and it’s perfect for cleaning up after pets. Baking soda contains a mild abrasive for stain removal, and it’s safe to use on most hardwood floors and many other surfaces to remove pet stains and even cat urine odors. But where baking soda really shines for pet owners is its deodorizing power.

You can freshen up pillows, upholstery, rug, drapes, carpet, and any other fabrics in your home by sprinkling baking soda onto them and letting it absorb odors for 15 minutes. Then vacuum out the baking soda and all those musty, stale pet odors for a cleaner-smelling home. If you have a litter box in your home, baking soda is a cat-safe cleaning product and deodorizer you can use in the bottom of the litter box beneath the litter to control odors.

2. Distilled White Vinegar

Distilled white vinegar is another common household item that can help pet owners with their pet cleaning challenges. White vinegar is a safe and natural disinfectant, cleaner, deodorizer, carpet stain remover, and more. To keep dog beds healthier and control pet odors, you can wipe down the fabric once a week with a vinegar and water solution. You can also use vinegar in the wash to clean and deodorize pet blankets, toys, and other washable pet accessories. .

Use white vinegar to remove pet stains from upholstery and other fabrics, clean your pets’ water and food bowls, and even clean their ears. Because white vinegar is also a natural fungicide, you can use it to clean your pets’ ears to eliminate fungal infections and odor-causing bacteria. Vinegar is perfectly safe for pets and people when it’s used correctly, so keep a few bottles on hand to tackle stains and odors of all kinds.

3. Vacuum Cleaner

A vacuum cleaner with attachments is one of the best cat and dog cleaning supplies in your arsenal. That’s because a vacuum can remove dirt, pet hair, and other debris from carpets, rugs, upholstery, and hard surface floors. Use the crevice tool to get dirt and hair out of crevices and the brush attachment for removing surface dirt and hair from pillows, sofas, cushions, and other upholstery.

We recommend using a vacuum with HEPA filtration because pet hair, dead skin, and dander can contain bacteria, pollen, and other respiratory contaminants. The Maids uses commercial-grade HEPA-equipped vacuums as standard equipment to remove 99.9 percent of dust, mold, and other airborne pollutants. If you use a vacuum with a HEPA filter, you can achieve similar results and minimize pet odors.

4. Pet Brush

Pet hair. We find it on our couches, dining tables, floors, and even walls and windows. Pet hair in our homes is first and foremost unsightly and aggravating, but the associated bacteria and pollutants can also affect our health. While vacuuming regularly will take care of most pet hair and dander, you could be proactive and stop the hair messes at the source.

A brush is one of the best cleaning products for dog owners because it helps keep pet hair out of your home. For dog breeds with dense undercoats, you can go a step further and use a deshedding tool to keep hair and dander manageable. While most cats do a pretty good job keeping themselves groomed, you can help things along by using pet cleaning products like a brush or mitt every week or two.

5. Squeegee

If you thought a squeegee was just for cleaning windows and bathroom cleaning, think again. A squeegee is very effective at removing pet hair from upholstery, rugs, and carpet, especially for short-haired pet owners.

Use your squeegee as a quick picker-upper on couches and chairs and to remove missed hair and dander from carpet and rugs after vacuuming. You can even use a squeegee to remove excess soap from your pet’s coat to make rinsing after a bath easier.

6. Lint Rollers

Lint rollers are handy for sprucing up sweaters and coats, but they also work well for cleaning up kids’ messes and pet messes like shedding. Using a lint roller to remove pet hair and dander is easy. Use them to remove dust and hair from sofa and chair cushions, drapes, flat surfaces, and anywhere else you find pet hair.

We hope these cleaning tips for a pet-filled household make your home a happier place for people and your animal companions. Keeping your home clean can be more of a challenge when you don’t have the right pet cleaning supplies, so stock up on all of the must-have pet cleaning products we listed to tackle your pet messes. And if things have gotten out of hand or you just can’t find the time, The Maids can help. Get a free estimate today and see how our recurring house cleaning service and other residential services can help pet owners enjoy a cleaner home more often.

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