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Kids’ Printable Weekly
Chore Chart

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There’s not way around it – weekly chores can be, well, a chore! But given the right motivation and incentive, your child can learn the boundless lessons of responsibility and commitment that come with weekly chores. Our printable chore chart for kids allows kids to check each day they complete their tasks while giving them a visual sense of their accomplishments. There are even blank fields for kids to add their own chores, or for tasks that rotate weekly. Go ahead, give it a go! Your kids will thank you.

Why Teaching Kids to Do Chores Is Good for Them

The life lessons and increased self-esteem experienced by kids who grow up doing chores directly impact how competent they will be as an adult. Want to give your kiddos a leg up in life? Here are just a few ways a weekly chore chart will help your kids grow.

  • Responsibility for chores gives kids an increased sense of belonging to a group. Their contributions to the family teach them that teamwork is an important part of mutually-beneficial relationships.
  • Being held accountable for doing their chores can lead to a sense of accomplishment, which can inspire them to take on more responsibility. The hard work, discipline, and commitment that make up accountability are skills they can use for a lifetime.
  • Kids learn how to prioritize and manage their time when they follow a schedule using a cleaning chart. Handling the most important tasks first is one of the best lessons any child can learn.
  • Most kids don’t receive accolades at school or in sports. Giving them the responsibility of completing chores can contribute to feelings of self-worth they may not find outside the home.

Kids of all ages can learn how to do chores. Even young children can use a chore chart to feed pets, gather mail, put away toys, and place their clothes in the hamper. Older kids can make the bed, water plants, set the dinner table, and unload the dishwasher. No matter what their age, your kids can tackle many household chores and learn some great life lessons along the way.

Three Ways to Make Your Kids’ Chore Chart More Effective

Start Young

Young children are usually eager to help with just about any task around the house. They love to copy their parents, try new things, and the feeling of contributing. When you teach your kids to be responsible for age-appropriate chores, the sense of achievement and skills they learn will be invaluable.

Don’t Treat Chores Like a Job

Keeping the house clean and teaching the kids life skills may be enough of a reward for you, but what about for the kids? While it’s easy to “pay” them with an allowance or other monetary reward, this makes the whole affair more like employment—and it may cause more harm than good. Taking responsibility for chores is an exercise in learning valuable skills and feeling positive self-worth, not a first job.

Make Chores a Priority

If you want your kids to do their chores without complaining, try the “first things first” approach. The kids can’t have digital time, outdoor time, hang out with friends, or other fun activities until chores are done. Responsibilities like chores come first, and that’s a life lesson that will help them be more productive adults.

Keep your kids’ weekly chore chart up to date, work as a team, and make things fun. If you need help getting your home up to speed before you start using a chore list, why not let The Maids give you a jumpstart? Get your free estimate today so the kids can start with a clean slate.



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