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Store Your Summer Clothes
the Right Way

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People love home organization videos. There is just something so satisfying about seeing everything put away neatly in its own place. In fact, organization videos are some of the hottest on TikTok. It’s likely these videos are so popular because we wish our spaces were just as tidy. A good place to start is your closet. Learning how to store seasonal clothes ensures your closet is neat and organized so finding your next outfit is a snap. But how you pack away clothes is important too, especially when it comes to fishing out that bathing suit next summer!

Gather Some Clothing Storage Essentials

Storing away summer clothes is easier when you have all the tools at hand.

  • Hangers: You’ll need several types of hangers to do this job properly. Gather some sturdy hangers that won’t rust or discolor fabrics (no wire hangers). We recommend wooden hangers. The hangers should be able to support the weight of even your heaviest clothes. Use shaped hangers for jackets to support the shoulders. Skirts and pants should be hung by the waistbands on skirt hangers to prevent creasing. Silk clothing should be hung on padded or flocked hangers to prevent them from slipping off during storage.
  • Storage Bags: Storage bags are available both in cloth and plastic. Cloth or fabric bags help air to circulate, preventing moisture build up. Plastic is ok, but it won’t allow for air circulation so you increase your chances of finding moldy clothes next summer. If you’re using fabric bags from last year, run them through the washer to remove dust and mold spores. If you don’t want to spend the money on fabric bags, use a 100% cotton sheet or pillowcase to cover hanging clothes by cutting a small opening for the hanger hooks. This will prevent the accumulation of dust and dirt and allow the covers to breathe during storage.
  • Storage Boxes: Some fabrics should be folded rather than hung, like knits. Choose plastic storage boxes made from polypropylene. Cardboard boxes should be acid-free to prevent yellowing and staining.

Declutter your Closet

It doesn’t make sense to store clothes you don’t intend to wear next year. Before you start your seasonal clothing storage, declutter your closet. Experts suggest being ruthless about what you did or didn’t wear. Throw away any items that are damaged or stained and make a pile for donation. If you really love it but it’s beyond repair, take a photo so you can buy an identical piece. Don’t forget to add your winter clothes to this process. Let the available storage space be your guide. By getting rid of all the clothes you can’t or won’t wear, you’ll have more space to store the ones you really want. 

Inspect your Summer Wardrobe

Take out all of your summer clothes that made the cut and place them on a bed or open floor space so that you can see all the clothes at once. Carefully inspect each piece to make sure it is clean and doesn’t need repair. All clothing should be washed or dry cleaned before storing. Dirty clothes get smellier and invisible stains can turn into dark spots. It’s important to not use starch on clothes to be stored because it can attract insects that damage clothes. If you have clothes dry cleaned, remove them from the dry cleaner’s thin plastic bags to prevent damage like mildew and discoloration from trapped moisture. 

Prep Your Storage Area

If you are transferring summer clothes to another closet, clean the closet thoroughly by vacuuming to remove dust and dirt. Inspect your seasonal storage area for any mold or mildew to help prevent damage to your stored clothing. You don’t want to store your seasonal clothes in areas prone to mold or mildew. If your only storage option is someplace slightly damp, experts suggest to put DampRid nearby and change it every two months.

Keep in mind that clothing should be stored in a cool, well-ventilated area not subject to drastic temperature changes and away from light. Avoid attics, basements, and garages whenever possible. If storage areas are limited, you’ll have to get creative with ideas like using luggage, rarely used cabinets and drawers and other storage options to store your summer clothes safely for the season.

Following this advice will set your summer wardrobe up beautifully for a long winter’s nap. Next year, reverse the process, storing away your winter clothes. Need some help cleaning your closet or storage space? The Maids offers special cleaning services that can help out the process. Contact us to learn more.

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