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The Ultimate House
Cleaning Checklist

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There is no better time-saver than a field-tested house cleaning list. These handy lists help keep us on track for when, where and how to clean in the most efficient way possible. Using a house cleaning checklist also helps break down big projects into more manageable tasks.

Here at The Maids, we use a cleaning list every day and have developed some pretty great ones over the years. We’ve taken these and compiled the ultimate cleaning list. Enjoy!

House Cleaning Checklist

Use this house cleaning list to organize cleaning tasks by what needs to be cleaned daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly. Use this master list as a guide and create your own daily cleaning checklist using these tips.

  • Daily Cleaning Checklist. Pick up clutter, wipe down countertops, wash dishes, empty trash, make beds, wipe down sinks in the kitchen and bathrooms and hang up towels.
  • Weekly Cleaning Checklist. Mop kitchen and bathroom floors, scrub bathroom surfaces, clean mirrors, dust furniture, vacuum your floors and furniture, change bedding, toss expired food, wipe down kitchen appliances and clean inside of the microwave.
  • Monthly Cleaning. Vacuum vents and woodwork, dust and clean light fixtures, dust blinds, clean your dishwasher, laundry machines and vacuum.
  • Quarterly Cleaning. Wipe down the inside of your refrigerator, clean your kitchen range hood, wash your shower curtain liner, clean under and behind furniture, wash pillows and comforters, vacuum mattress, descale coffee maker and clean inside of the oven.
  • Yearly Cleaning. Clean your fireplace and chimney, deep clean carpet and upholstery, deep clean windows, clean around dryer and vents and clean drapes and curtains.

Kitchen Cleaning List

  • Cabinets

Wipe from top to bottom with a microfiber or clean cloth dipped in a solution of mild dish detergent and lukewarm water. Squeeze out excess liquid and wipe along the grain to remove splattered grease and fingerprints.

  • Stove

Remove grates and burners and place in the kitchen sink. Add a pea-sized amount of grease-cutting dish soap to a damp sponge and scrub to release spills and dirt. Rinse the sponge clean and repeat to remove any soap residue. Use a kitchen towel or microfiber cloth to buff out the watermarks.

  • Countertops

Use a sponge and all-purpose cleaner to wipe away spills and spots and buff with a clean cloth. If your counters have really lost their luster, try using club soda to give them a shine.

  • Microwave

Loosen grime by filling a microwave-safe bowl with 2 cups water and ½ cup vinegar. Heat on full power for 3-4 minutes until boiling. Let the steam fill the microwave, then wipe down interior walls with a sponge. Wash the turntable by hand in the sink.

  • Sink

Use a mix of baking soda and water and a non-abrasive sponge to scrub the sink. Rinse the sponge and sink with hot water. Wipe down the faucet.

  • Floor

Regardless of your floor type, start by sweeping or vacuuming loose dirt or food. Follow up with a mop and soapy water to make them shine. Always research the best cleaning methods for your type of floors before cleaning.

For more tips and tricks to clean your kitchen, check out our other handy guides.

Bathroom Cleaning Checklist

Spray the tub and shower with a cleaner, wipe down with a wet sponge or cloth, and rinse with hot water. To prevent mold and mildew, towel dry and turn on the exhaust vent.

  • Mirror

Use a cloth and warm water to cut through any residue left behind by toothpaste, soap and so on. Clean the mirror with glass cleaner and dust the frame.

  • Sinks

Spray the sinks with cleaner, wipe with a cloth and rinse with hot water. Scrub the drain area and caulked edges with a soft brush. Rinse again with hot water.

  • Toilet

Use a bathroom cleaner to clean the tank, lid, and the inside and outside of the toilet bowl. Wipe down the seat, seat lid, and the exterior. Clean the inside of the bowl with a toilet brush.

  • Floor

Sweep the floor and mop. Pay extra attention to corners and behind the toilet. Rinse well with clean, hot water and dry the floor with a towel.

  • Wastebasket

Take out the trash. Spray the wastebasket with all-purpose cleaner, wipe it down, and replace the liner.

  • Shower Curtain

Take down your shower curtain and wash it in your washing machine. Wipe down your curtain rod and rings, and rinse with hot water.

  • Medicine Cabinet

Empty the contents, spray the interior with cleaner, and wipe everything down. Scrub corners if needed with a soft brush.

  • Vanity Exterior

Empty the contents under your vanity. Wipe the exterior and interior of doors, the knobs, and the bottom. Scrub corners (if needed) and wipe down with a clean cloth.

  • Faucets and Fixtures

Spray fixtures with all-purpose cleaner and use a wet cloth to scrub in between faucet handles and other tight places. Rinse with hot water, dry and buff with a clean, dry cloth.

  • Exhaust Vent

Use your vacuum cleaner and the brush attachment to clean your bathroom fan cover or use a clean paintbrush.

If you need more help cleaning your bathroom, we’ve got proven tips and advice from the pros.

Bedroom Cleaning Checklist

  • Declutter

Pick up anything out of place and put it where it belongs. Be objective and get rid of anything in the bedroom you rarely use.

  • Clean Your Bed

Strip the bed and wash the linens, shams, bed skirt, and throws. Vacuum the mattress and flip it, then vacuum under the bed.

  • Closet

Clear everything off the floor of your closet. Vacuum or sweep the closet (don’t forget the cobwebs!) and put everything back in an organized way.

  • Surfaces

Dust all surfaces and wipe down switch plates, ceiling fans, fixtures, and shelves.

  • Windows/Mirrors

Clean your windows and mirrors, and dust the frames. Vacuum the drapes and clean the blinds.

  • Floor

Sweep or vacuum the floor and get underneath furniture by either moving it or using a vacuum extension.

The Speedy House Cleaning Checklist

Sometimes you just need a quick clean, either for an impromptu get together or holiday party. Here are some ideas from our speed cleaning checklist.

  • Give the bathroom a good once-over. Wipe down the sink, toilet seat and rim. Get rid of any dirty laundry or towels, change the hand towel, empty the trash and close the shower curtain or door.
  • Catch all the clutter. Grab an empty laundry basket and go from room-to-room picking up all the clutter and out-of-place items. If you’re really short on time, you can stash this basket somewhere your guests won’t see or start putting the items back where they belong.
  • Hit the kitchen. Give it a quick clean by unloading and loading the dishwasher, decluttering the counters and wiping down all surfaces.
  • Make your bed. Even if your guests likely won’t enter your room, it’ll make your home look and feel cleaner.
  • Run the vacuum. The last thing you should do is run the vacuum. Start in the areas your guests will be congregating, i.e., living room, kitchen, bathroom then continue on as time allows.

Need a weekly cleaning checklist or a room-by-room list? Try this compilation of house cleaning checklists and charts. If you get tired of using a cleaning list, just contact The Maids and we’ll use ours!. Our cleaning services are second-to-none when it comes to checking off your entire cleaning list.

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